Eating Healthy and still not Losing Weight??
Eva visited to her dietician with the concern that she is eating almost healthy
Sattu Parantha
A healthy yet tasty recipe is an utmost importance.
Cashew Eating- Good or Bad?
Since our childhood, we have been fond of these Cashew Nuts.
Chana Dal Idly
A healthy yet tasty recipe is an utmost importance for all of us.
Power of Rest to Boost Athletic Performance
Athlete's Recovery
MoongChilka Dal Kothambir Vadi
Moongdchilka Dal Kothambir Vadi Recipe
Salt during Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism and Iodized Salt
Snacks along with Tea/Coffee
Snacks along with Tea/ Coffee
Address (Offline)
Santokh Klinics- (SCO-77, Sector 38-C, Market, Chandigarh)-
Every Monday & Thursday (11am to 2pm)
Osmed Healthcare & Multispeciality Hospital (Lohgarh Road, Patiala Road, Zirakpur)-
Monday to Saturday (5pm to 7pm)
Liberty Hospital, 3B2 Market, Mohali-
Saturday (11am to 2pm ) Only on prior appointment
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