Kanika , being a busy bee made time for her health goals

Kanika is a busy Occupational Therapist in Delhi. From her childhood, she had been on the overside of the weight. Being a healthcare professional she understand that she need to keep on working for her body and health throughout the life.  Achieving weight  goals is never a one time thing .

She struggled to manage her number of meals, cooking for family and managing her means in a planned way as suggested. Since 2016 she has been our regular client. 

We tried to make her independent to think and manage her own meals. She learnt and emerged stronger day by day.

Before (left), After (right)

Back the, we investigated and went through the process. Later we got to know about her imbalanced bio-markers and started working for it along with the body composition

We customized and personalized- Specific Weight Management Nutrition plan considering her other health issues . Obviously, like everyone she also faced various challenges like a lot of travelling, going out and many more. During his Journey we focused more on her lifestyle management than only restricting the foods she eats.  

Create your Own Success Story like Kanika , manage your health issues with the help of guided personalized nutrition.